Friday, October 22, 2010

Bivariate distributions

We've moved from investigations using single variables to the world of two variables. The first type of bivariate relationship we study is the relationship between two numerical variables.

We collected data on Monday and crunched numbers again on Tuesday to find the least squares regression line and the coefficient of determination. R^2.

On Wednesday we studied the correlation coefficient, the slope and intercept of the LSRL, and the patterns in residuals. We saw that the point (x-bar, y-bar) lies on the LSRL and that R^2 may not be an indicator of a good model.

Based on your new knowledge of these concepts, please expand your 4 inch summary of section 3.1 to 5 inches of strong content.

Do the problems in section 3.1 that relate to the manatees and to the archaeopteryx.

Quiz answers:
scatterplot - points have a strong positive linear pattern with no outliers. Graph should have labels and scale.
LSRL y-hat = -10.64 + 4.117x
Residuals - y - y-hat graphed against x. To compute residuals, use L2 - Y1(L1). The graph shows that the residuals fluctuate above and below the axis with varying distances.
Interpretation - Because the residuals can be interpreted as randomly scattered about the residual = 0 line, the linear model is good.
Caveat- Because the residuals seem to be getting further from residuals = 0 as x gets larger, we might be concerned about our error increasing as length increases. Beware telescoping residuals.

October 8, 2010

This week student should have completed problems 3.35, 3.36, 3.37, & 3.37 from the text. For HW due Monday, they need to complete problems 3.39, 3.40, & 3.48.

What have we done so far? Collected bivariate data. Looked at them. Computed the LSRL. Computed residuals. Interpreted the residuals and the slope of the LSRL. Used the LSRL to predict a value of y. Performed a Linear regression t-test to determine the significance of the slope.

What do we have to do? Practice and interpret outputs.

ALSO, pick a book. Suggestions: A Civil Action, Freakonomics, Bringing Down the House, Moneyball, And the Band Played On, The Lady Tasting Tea. Get your parents' permission to read your book. You should have it finished by the end of Thanksgiving break.

Monday, October 11, 2010

We collected data that we expected to have no correlation. In 13 of the 15 cases, we got what we expected. We graphed the ordered pairs, computed the LSRL, checked the residuals, performed a linear regression t-test, and interpreted the results.
Small p-value>>> reject the null hypothesis--that there is no linear relationship between x and y. Instead, we have evidence indicating that there is a linear relationship.
Large p-value>>> fail to reject the null hypothesis. We do not have compelling evidence that there is a linear relationship.

HW problems 3.6 and 3.61

Have your papeback on Friday. You will be given a reading day.
As we continue through bivariate distributions, please take care to clearly identify the transformation you have performed on your lists in the calculator. For instance, log L2 may make sense to you, but you may be better off by renaming the list log life expectancy.

Typically, students have problems when they graph the curves through data. The linear regression graph only works with straightened (transformed) data. The curves go through the original data.

Your test on bivariate data will be Thursday, Oct 28.

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