Sunday, May 06, 2007

Getting ready for the exam

I have sent out emails to 3rd period teachers asking for you to be released in time to eat (except for JROTC and pers fitness. Please let them know!!!).

Meet at the outdoor classroom between 11 and 11:30.
Bring pencils, calculator, pen, smile, sweater, mittens, scarf, hand warmers. . .

Just kidding a little about the stuff to keep you warm. Reports from Monday's exams were that it was FREEZING in the gym. Bundle up in layers.

Some sites to visit:
for fun
for real

Somethings to remember:
You CANNOT discuss the MC problems at all--not in person, not on the phone, not on the web.

You can discuss the free response problems after 4:00 on Thursday.

Bring pencils and a pen to the test. Do not bring your cell phones, i-pods, etc. You can leave them in my room. I will lock them up.

Know your assumptions/conditions.

What questions do you have?


nkhat said...

Two questions.

First, what is the difference between mutually exclusive and independence?

Second, how would you interpret a computer output of a regression line?

ektabery said...

hey mrs linner!
i have a couple of questions.
these may sound stupid, but honestly.
can you do a two-proportion z-test? or is it a two-sample t-test?
do we have to know the difference of means for t-tests when the variances are equal?
any last important facts to help with chi-square?
thanks so much!

Mrs.L said...

2 proportion z-test? Sure! Go to chapter 12.

t-test for difference of means--just because the standard deviations may be equal, the means may not be.
AND just because the means may be equal (Mu1 - mu2 = 0) doesn't mean that the variances are equal. See chapter 11.

Mutually exclusive means that the two things cannot both happen at the same time. So, if one occurs, then we KNOW that the other can't happen.

Independent means that there is no association between two characteristics, so knowing one thing does not give you additional information about the second.

Think of a deck of cards. A card can't be both a spade and a club at the same time. These are mutually-exclusive.

A card CAN be a 5 and a club at the same time. One-thirteenth of all cards are 5s. One-fourth of the cards are clubs.

AND 1/13th of all clubs are 5s AND 1/4 of all 5s are clubs. Knowing that the card pulled is a club does not change the likelihood that it is a 5. Knowing that the card pulled is a 5 doesn't mean that the likelihood of its being a club changes. Clubs and 5s are independent.

ektabery said...

thank youu!
i found the answers to both of my questions when i went back and looked for them in the book.
: )
feel betterr!

I know somebody in 1st pd said...

Hey mrs Linner, I changed my batteries and now none of my stat or grahping programs will work properly, I turned my diagnostics on, and when I run 1 var stat on it I get different number from the book, and when I graph the numbers they show up as a different graph. Any ideas as to why this might be?

I know somebody in 1st pd said...

never mind i got it

Mrs.L said...