Friday, September 23, 2005

Chapter 3 test is still Thursday

We just won't include the chapter 14 parts. Post your questions here. Do more exercises so you'll have good questions to ask on Wednesday. Please be safe. YKYMFS

I will be at CiCi's on Sunday.

Mrs. L


Mrs.L said...

It will be limited to Chapter 3.

Mrs.L said...

You and other FBLA-ers are welcome to take the test on Tuesday.

Mrs.L said...

When studying for the test you are probably focusing on the mechanics: finding the LSRL using the formulas and using the calculator, finding the residuals, remembering and using the formulas, etc.

You also need to keep the BIG questions in mind when preparing: How do you know if a LSRL is an appropriate model? How do you use the model to predict values of the response variable? How do you decide which of the variables is the response variable? How do you interpret the coefficient of determination?

What other questions can you think of?

Mrs.L said...

Have you checked the response to tennischic's question in the CH2 test post?

BTW-True slackers would never visit the blog.

You go, girl.

Mrs.L said...

I don't think that SSM and SSE are very important unless the student is performing Analysis of Variance (Chapter 15). Instead, know how residuals are represented on a graph of x and y-hat and be able to generate a residual plot.

On the other topic, yes, you have to identify WHERE your two variables are or the calculator will assume that they are in L1 and L2. Not good if your data are elsewhere. Good question. THYMFVBP. :)