Monday, December 06, 2010

Distributions of Random Variables

We're combining parts of chapters 6-8 to build on students' prior understanding of probability.

First up: Geometric and binomial probabilities
geometric probabilities:
Know the 4 characteristics that define a geometric distribution
Know how to find the expected value of x
Know how to find probabilities for values of x (both individual probabilities and cumulative probabilities)

bimomial probabilities:
geometric probabilities:
Know the 4 characteristics that define a binomial distribution
Know how to find the expected value of x
Know how to find probabilities for values of x (both individual probabilities and cumulative probabilities)

Be able to identify a binomial or geometric distribution when you read a problem.
Define the random variable x.
Solve problems related to probabilities for these distributions.

Next up: any other discrete distributions
Work with valid probability distributions (individual and cumulative)

Apply the concept of independent events to joint probability problems.

Apply the concepts of disjoint sets and complements to find probabilities.

Find the means and standard deviations of transformations of a random variable and combinations of independent random variables. YOu'll have to bookmark these pages and study them A LOT!

Monday December 6, 2010
Testing on Thursday on distributions of random variables. We will be learning new material through Wednesday. Be here!

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