Friday, August 17, 2007

The linear labs

Find the least-squares regression line through the data you collected in class today. Describe trends in your data, the direction, linearity, strength of the relationship, and presence of outliers. Present a comment about the nature of the connection between the x and y values from your lab.

First period:

These may not be your actual data. . . the postits got a little mixed up. Anyway, you can use these for your HW.

Other classes:
If you lost your data, post a message asking for your particular set of data. NO LAST NAMES PLEASE!!!!

12, 10.5
11, 10
11, 9.5
11, 10
11.5, 10
11, 10
11, 10
11.5, 10.25
12, 10.5
11.5, 10
12, 11.5
11.5, 10
11, 9
10, 8.5
9.5, 9.25
11, 9
8.5, 9
8.5, 9

15, 16
1, 30
3, 28
9, 21
8, 22
12, 18
11, 17
14, 17
15, 16
17, 14
19, 12
7, 23
26, 5
24, 7
25, 6
24, 6
30, 1
30, 1

Ball toss
5, 6
3, 3
3, 3
2, 4
1, 2
2, 1
1, 0
0, 0


derek d said...

The directions said leave a comment so i will.. The x and y values for the "ball shooting" dont show a very strong pattern, but for the most part, if one increased so did the other, giving the line a posative slope.

MrFantasian said...

If anyone is out there, can someone explian to me what is means by the "Relationship of X and Y"?

MrFantasian said...

Oh well, I think I got it now.

The "Birthday" data on a least regression line shows a negative slope. When X, the day of birth increases, then y, the number of days after the date of birth withtin the month,decreases. I can only see one outlier.

David T.- 5th Period

I sounded illiterate in my last post.